He’s Not Mad, He’s Disappointed

The gold tooth is causing a bit of drama in our house. I told Cora about it because she likes that I’m a badass mom and can handle information like this. Tate is a different matter. We were all in the kitchen a few nights ago, when Cora brought up the gold tooth, knowing full […]

Writing Roundup

I’ve been hard at work in the writing world, just not on Blue Cypress. Here’s some of the content I’ve produced in the past few months: New The Weight of the Nation for Kids Screening to Action: Quickstart Guide I’ve been fortunate to, once again, have been a part of the team that produced these […]

Pilgrims in an Unholy Land

My husband Steve has been muttering the phrase “We are pilgrims in an unholy land” for the past few days. He’s psyching himself up for us to travel to Lawrence, Kansas this weekend. We’re heading there to compete in a bicycle race called Tour of Lawrence. Kansas may be flat is some places, but not […]

Where’ve You Been, Michelle?

We’re you starting to think I had abandoned my blog and was off whiling away the winter reading novels and drinking tea? Not so! In fact, I’ve been so busy writing stuff for other people (and reading trashy paperbacks while drinking beer) that I just haven’t had the fortitude to write for myself. Notice I […]

Did You Just Get Jacked?

One of my new favorite terms seems to be –jacked, as in news-jacked, status-jacked, he jacked my moves, attention-jacked. That last one, attention-jacked, I made up just a few minutes ago because I felt the need for a term that describes my existence.  I basically spend all day, every day going from one attention-jacked moment […]